Friday, September 1, 2017


Woke up this morning to 47° in Talkeetna.  Big change from Tallahassee  and Atlanta two days ago with 90+° and high humidity.  Fall is in the air, with minor tree color changes at this time and elevation.  Talkeetna is famous as the launch point for mountaineers attempting to climb Denali. describes it as a “tiny, funky hamlet straight out of many visitors’ mental picture of life in small-town Alaska”, and they are right.  It is located 115 miles north of Anchorage in the Mat-Su Valley, and when you come to visit Denali, don’t miss it.  It has log cabins, a roadhouse and clapboard storefronts line the dirt streets. Main Street is the only paved road in town.

It’s an eclectic blend of old and new.  Old being the Roadhouse mentioned above.  The Roadhouse, built around 1917, is one of the oldest establishments still in operation on Main Street and is famous for big breakfasts and bread/meat combinations called pasties.   The original structure is log and they will feed you, put you up in a room, and they have they only public washing machines in town.  Kevin and I ate breakfast there this morning with a pancake that flowed over a plate (that’s on a 10” plate in the photo) and another plate of eggs, potatoes, and bacon.  We figured that the next few days would be sandwiches and bark, well, except for that steak we bought just for a special occasion.  We also picked up a pastie and sweet roll for later.  My diet is suffering.

We were instructed to take some food pics on this trip so we are starting with some here. 

12" Pancake
Breakfast at Roadhouse

Talkeetna Tiny House
Float Planes at Talkeetna

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